Inspirational Messages

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I am ONE with Spirt, I am Free

How often have you yearned for a sense of freedom - be it from fear, anger, stress, anxiety or even a situation or relationship? When we allow our emotional and mental body to lead the way, it points in the opposite direction of your heart.  It leads you into an abyss of hopelessness and begins to direct every aspect of your life.  Your personality (ego self) will do its best to instill hopelessnes, it will do its best to make you question what you already know is real. It will make you question YOU.


In truth, you are free, you have the freedom Spirit that allows your to choose your path. You can focus on where you have been, where you are, or where you want to go or how you would like to live your life.  You can choose to hold on to fearful thoughts or open your heart (Christ Consciousness) to the unlimited possibilities.

Feel your freedome within, explore the depths of who you authentically,  be a brave souls and pursue with reverence those things that seclude you from your truth. Face your fears and all those other "things" that keep you from a distance from reaching into the light while standing in darkness.<.
Affirmation: I choose to allow Spirit/God within to guide me to a greater freedom than I can imagine. I AM free to live, learn, and enjoy all the wonders of my life and the life all around me. I AM one with God, there is no greater freedom that exists.


Attuning to Divine Order

Many of have been experiencing moments of descension; a lot of residual emotions: regret, disappointments, guilt, shame, anger, and fear are being stirred up. Spirit asks us to be patient, to remain in our hearts and to keep pushing forward because everything we are experiencing is all in divine order. You must allow yourselves to feel through the energies despite how turbulent and chaotic they feel. Part of this experience is feeling the torment because it is essential towards our ultimate goal - though you may not even know what the goal is yet. Trust that all experiences are meant to teach and that within each experience there are new discoveries and reminders that we have yet made complete peace with.


Commune with your Angels

Take time today to connect with our Archangels. Our angels are anxiously awaiting to assist you in any way you need assistance. Ask and you shall receive - remembering of course that when it comes to chooses in yours our angels cannot and willnot interfere with free will.  Honor them daily knowing that they are willing and excited to walk by your side every day.  Pay attention to reoccuring numbers, music, sites, sounds, smells, ringing in the right ear, etc.  When this happens our angels are trying to convey something that needs your attention. If occurences like these are happening to you, I recommend that you take some time to meditate and connect with our beloved Angels.
Journal Question:  How can I best connect with my Archanels and honor them with grace and gratitude?



 It was as if my chest became
 an arch of two weightless doors
 and through these open doors
 I could see beyond the vision
 of my eyes


Today I am reminded that I stand in the fullness of my true nature

I am free. The sensation and feeling of that statement is so empowering! I invoke such strength and power from those three simple words. And in my creativity have formulated the space for true freedom in my life. I have worked hard to release the chains of my past and in doing so have found the fortitude to open all the possibilities of my future.


Keep or Release,you decide.

Finding alignment in your life often requires the cleansing out emotions, feelings, and thoughts. It's so important to release habitual mindset and thought processes. The mind is somewhat of a trickster; it has a tendency rationalize and validate feelings and thoughts that are not healthy and sometimes is the culprit of un-forgiveness. Letting go makes room for new, fresh, and healthier energies.


Illuminating the source

We are all on the path of illumination, and certainly illumination is different for everyone as we all working on different aspects of our lives. Although the journeys are different the destination is the same. We seek spiritual truth and understanding and to be enlightened through every experience: ascension; merging spirit on earth.


Becoming your Spiritual Understanding

There are times when we question if what we are doing is really God/dess' will; if what we really want is in our highest good. In those moments, I stop questioning and know that guidance is available for me. If breath is the source of all life, then we owe it to ourselves to pause, quiet our thoughts of confusion, and silently breath allowing our breath to become the focus.


Struck by the lucidity of forgiveness

As I journeyed in the spiritual realm last night, I ran into an old friend that I had comitted a wrong too.  Immediately upon seeing this friend I went into chant asking for forgiveness. In all my years of asking for forgiveness and being on the receiving end of forgiveness, this one profound act with this particular friend seemed to escape me completely.


Dedication day for Ganesha

Mantras for Lord Ganesha - Remover of Obstacles



I love - because I can, because I want, because I AM.

The essence of your life cannot be measured by what others perceptions of you are. Your essence comes from loving yourself and loving all things in life.


Emerging as an expression of God

We are continuously emerging by becoming more aware that everything that surrounds us is a part of creation; and expression of God.  As physical beings living and sharing through  spiritual connections (oneness) we are beginning to vibrate and resonate. Our energies are starting to merge creating a high vibration and frequency that will enable the planet to function on a more conscious level.


Nurture the Emotional Body

Nurture the Emotional Body

Realizing the needs of the Emotional Body is crucial to our spiritual development.  Why is it so essential to our well being? The Emotional body holds onto emotions that are no longer serving a purpose of protection. I briefly mentioned this in my note about the Dark Night of the Soul. 


We are many, We are One

We are many, we are ONE - nearly 7 billion people live on Mother Earth - the place we call home. Vast distances of land and ocean separate us from one another. Our differences create a beautiful mosaic of appearances, beliefs, cultures, and customs.  Underneath, we are all One in spirit, members of this great cosmic multiverse in a family of humanity.


Let Go Let God

Release is an act of confidence, not failure. In times of stress, rather than react first, take a moment to find the rhythm of your gentle breath. If there is tension, relax the tighten muscles first then relax your body and allow you mind to enjoy a moment of peace.


The Christ Consciousness in me greets the Christ Consciouness in others!

Hello beloveds,

This one is a biggie folks!  How often are you reminded that we are expressions of each other? 

What divine graciousness or lack thereof that you see and validate in another person is almost always a mirror image of you.  When we take an action whether in love or in judgment of another person, you can only do so because it is something that you see in yourself.  That is recognition, for good or ill whether we like to admit it or not, making a statement in silence, in feeling, in the spoken word always falls back on to ourselves.  Contract to yourself that daily that you will allow yourself no matter how difficult it is, to see the light in others, to meet and greet the Christ Consciousness in others, and call forward to see the good. If by chance you cannot find the light or good in another, it is your job to rise up to the occasion and meet and greet that person with your Christ Consciousness. 




As we move forward into 2012 we must begin to truly assimilate - to know that your I AM is truly Spirit in you- wise, rich, and divine. We can no longer give our spirit away or to lose control over those things that would have us believe we are sick, in need, or foolish.


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