Integrating Spiritual and Holistic Wellness

More and more people are becoming aware of the energetic an conscious shifts that are happening on a global level.  This worldly awareness then shifts gradually on to “self”, and we become more attuned and abundantly clear that we require a significant change within our “selves”.  It is here we begin to ask, “Who am I really, and what am I supposed to be doing? What is my purpose”? There are no easy answers to those questions, but there are steps we can creatively take to ensure that we become more spiritually and holistically conscious.So where do you begin?

When the inquisitive spark of light ignites, most of us seek a deeper understanding into the spiritual. Often we begin by delving to self-help books, or books that are spiritual and holistic in nature.  These types of books assist us on our journey within; and we become excited as we start to see all the possibilities of change; the words suddenly come to life and it enables us to visually imagine what needs to be done.  Reading about conscious and unconscious change, practical spirituality, and holistic therapies are the real catalyst to transformation. It is research in to “self” and identifying with the aspects of our lives that are creating the dis-ease of our very nature and environment.

However, there is one tiny thing that tackles us as we embark on the road to self help; as we begin to realize the aspects of our “selves” that need serious change we suddenly become the creatures of habit we are all too familiar with. We become stapled to the ground in that recognition: fear, insecurity, anguish, and stress begin to settle in as stagnancy.  To unveil those aspects and seeing ourselves in the true light of day is a scary thing. The realization alone begins to take on a life of its own.  The questions about yourself start to bombard you: “am I really this way?” “When did I become so angry, insecure, and fearful?” The road to self discovery and having to do it alone becomes way too cumbersome and then… “I need help - I cannot do this alone!”

The good news is, that as dark or hopeless as your personal situation may seem, what is really happening is a miraculous breakthrough in self awareness. Creating necessary change for the betterment of our lives daunting, and you do not need to work at this alone, there are several qualified light workers that can aid you by giving you direction and guidance in a modality of services in spiritual wellness such as: Spiritual Counseling - spiritual integration that allows you to get to the very foundation of your issues and begins to heal them from the root cause, Channeled Readings – a sacred pathway of messages from the other side, Intuitive Psychic Development - personal journey into your intuitive awareness that will help you to create and expand insight into your life, and Spiritual Cleansings - The releasing of stagnant energetic vibrations, that alter and affect your quality of life and the causes of dis-ease in your surroundings. Each is just a few of the stepping stones towards establishing a life filled with self love and enlightenment. Living a spiritual life is the merging of your higher self in your physical presence, thereby creating a life that is richly purposeful no matter what direction you choose. Having clarity in “self”  means having a clear direction and that is not based on just the physical ego personality.

Holistic Wellness is healing of the physical self through spiritual means. Holistic healing is not traditional medicinal practice and not is it intended to be a medical approach at all. It is in fact energetic in nature. Our bodies are energy, when we apply divine energy into the body with healings such as: Color and Sound healing - color and sound is the use of vocal toning, tuning forks and color pomanders in each of the Chakra systems to attune imbalances through-out the body that may be causing ailments on many different levels, Lotus Trance Healing – the energetic stimulation of cell energy through the use of lotus massage (not traditional massage) with applied spiritual soothing followed by spiritually infused healing, and Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy: Past Life and Age Regression - It enables you to explore your transpersonal subconscious mind beyond the usual limits of ego and personality. It is a journey back through time that allows you to recall past events that may have led to symptoms or difficulties in the present time. Additionally a professional Hypnotist/Hypnotherapist is required to thoroughly explain that the use of Hypnosis is for the intention to motivate, eliminate negative or unwanted habits, facilitate the learning process, improve memory and concentration, develop self-confidence, spiritual abilities, and for other endeavors of a non-medical nature.

This is an exciting time to begin your shift in awareness, it is already happening globally.  We have the perseverance and motivation to do our part on this planet Mother Earth.  As you begin to take the steps into creating a more purposeful life – a life in awareness, of shift and change you will discover the impact of knowing your true higher self. Imagine a blissful life of unconditional love for self and others, wisdom, and knowledge that has been given to you as a gift for the divine source of light, not only to help yourself, but to assist others on the road of self enlightenment and discovery.  The change begins with you and your only requirement is an open heart and the willingness to heal all the aspects of your life. You are the creator of your world; take charge and capture a profound journey in the core of your very being – the real you. 
If you’re ready to make a change or for more information a on any of the services mentioned in this article please visit
In light and oneness,

Tricia Saborio-Koike,
Mystical Corner 
Written for Spirituality Book Shop 2010

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