Time Enough: We are in the right place, doing the right thing at the right time.

Journal Question:  How can I view time as useful instead of not enough of?

We are faced with many demands upon our time. If we were to allow anxiety overwhelm us, we would not function at our highest and best.  Choose instead to turn within when you feel anxious - to breathe, relax and open your mind to divine ideas - such as those towards making your dreams and goals a realization.

Embrace peace rather than anxiety or concern; a sense of purpose rather than a sense of worry.  We need to discover that time serves us as we go calmly about our business.

Affirmation: I give no thought to what I did last or what I must do next. Instead my complete attention is on the task at hand.  This bridges me to the next task in a gentle and flowing manner. I feel in a deep sense of satisfaction in all that I do.

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